A great tournament marketing plan is kinda like a perfect golf swing: it’s nothing without follow-through!

That’s why, when it comes to your charity golf tournament website, if you’re using the “build it and they will come” method, you may just be selling yourself – and your golfers! – short.

Not only is a golf tournament fundraiser website an important tool for providing action items and information in the weeks leading up to your tournament, it’s also a great resource to help you stay engaged with your golfers, sponsors and supporters all year round.

...That is, if you’re using it right!

From inspiring visitors with the mission and goals of your fundraiser to announcing exciting hole-in-one prizes, the key is to provide a consistent stream of content, information and entertainment that’s sure to have your visitors coming back for more in the months leading up to tournament day.

Read on for the know-how. (HINT: It’s easier than you think!)

Start with the basics

Step number one to taking full advantage of your Event Caddy golf tournament website is to build it out with our website builder template, while ensuring you’ve covered the tournament information basics, like:

  • Your tournament name
  • Your charity/cause
  • Tournament date, location and schedule
  • A clear call to action
  • Your contact info

Read our blog Golf Tournament Websites: What to Include for a more detailed guide to your golf tournament website basics.

Example of an Event Caddy Tournament website

And explore some of our favorite Event Caddy tournament website examples:

33rd Annual Rotary Club Golf Classic

8th Annual Collazo Invitational supporting Children’s Miracle Network

If you set up your site early enough, you don’t have to load all your event details right right away (in fact, we’d advise against it!). Keep a few “juicy” tidbits back so you can release them in a timely manner and create more interest for visitors and build momentum as you get closer to tournament day.

Which brings us to our next point…

Why updating your website is important

You may be thinking: “If my website already contains key information, why would I have to update it?”

The bottom line is that by regularly adding new content and information, you’re giving people a reason to visit your tournament website on a more regular basis.

And that regular tournament website traffic means...

  • Greater exposure for your sponsors
  • Boosted tournament awareness
  • Supporter engagement
  • Earlier registrations & sponsorship commitments

And overall, more opportunity to build excitement for the big day!

Build a golf tournament Communication Calendar

Consistently promoting your website may sound daunting, but with a basic Communication Calendar on your side, you’ll be able to stay on-track and well-organized from start to finish.

In fact, to help make the process even easier – we’ve created a Golf Tournament Communication Calendar just for you, outlining creative ideas and critical steps you can hit to keep people engaged with your tournament all year long. Download the calendar FREE here!

Golf Tournament Fundraising Calendar

If you’d like to build your own calendar, all you have to do is map out when you’d like to release specific content on your website, email and social media channels. Some content ideas can include:

  • Uploading pictures or testimonials from your previous tournament fundraisers
  • Posting photos of your golf course venue (to boost excitement around your chosen location)
  • Additional exciting information about the event (like a major hole-in-one prize!)
  • Inspiring stories related to your charity and/or cause
  • ‘Early Bird’ registration promotions
  • Hosting a contest or giveaway
  • Ask potential participants to suggest fun games or prize ideas to help encourage engagement, anticipation and make the event even better
  • Soliciting corporate sponsorship should really be a year round effort. You want your website to look fresh and appealing to prospective companies!

...And one of our favorites: Inspiring visitors by keeping them updated on the community impact of your tournament, like when the Christmas for Kids Golf Tournament shared that their funds went towards clothing and toys for 700+ deserving children in Alabama:

Progress Rail Facebook Post

The fact is that individuals who attend charity golf tournaments generally don’t just play one per year. They’re typically invited to several events, and you want to make sure they commit to you before it’s too late! By keeping them informed and active with your website – and offering early registration incentives – you’re already one step ahead of the competition.

Content for your other digital channels

The good news about an updated charity golf tournament website is that this content can be promoted and repurposed on your social media pages, email blasts and more! Here’s how:

Social media

Use your charity golf tournament website as content on your social media platforms. Every time an update is posted, let your social channels know by using the convenient “share” links provided at the bottom of your Event Caddy tournament page.

Man typing on laptop computer

Email blasts

With Event Caddy software, you have access to an email blast tool to help you release timely messages that generate interest. Simply import your contacts, and send them a personalized email featuring the latest and greatest content they can find on your golf tournament website!

Text messaging

With Event Caddy Pro, you’re provided with an additional, valuable line of communication: our text messaging tool! Similar to above, this is a great way to keep players in the know about your select content, and also a very unique opportunity to acknowledge your top sponsors by sending a special brand message to all of your participants.

As you can see, you don’t have to be a marketing pro to keep people coming back to your tournament website! With a simple plan in place, and the right tools on your side from Event Caddy Tournament Management Software, you’ll be well on your way to keeping your visitors engaged all year long.

Have more questions about building your golf tournament fundraiser website? Contact us here to get in touch with our charity tournament experts today!